What is a Cohabitation Agreement in CA?

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There are few things more important in life than finding someone you love, trust and enjoy living with. That said, though most people will get married when they find themselves in this situation, very many people would rather not tie the knot formally and instead just live with one another. However, that said, if you’ve been living together for years and plan to continue living together, you likely commingle certain assets and would like to formally recognize that you’re a couple. Fortunately, you can do so without actually getting married through what’s known as a cohabitation agreement. Please continue reading and reach out to our experienced Los Angeles family law attorneys to learn more about cohabitation agreements, what purposes they serve, and how we can help you draft one that best suits you and your partner’s needs. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What is a cohabitation agreement and should I consider drafting one?

A cohabitation agreement is essentially a document that allows people who live together without getting married to make formal decisions regarding medical care, financial assets, and funerary obligations in case they should eventually separate or when one partner passes away.

What specifically can I include in a cohabitation agreement?

There are a wide variety of terms you can include in your cohabitation agreement. In some ways, it can serve the same purpose as a prenuptial agreement. For example, you can include what will happen with certain assets, like money held in accounts or vehicles you own, should you ever split up. You can even include things such as who will get to keep the house. You may also detail a future support agreement, should you ever split up. For example, if your partner makes a lot more than you do, you may detail a support obligation so you can retain your standard of living for a certain period of time after you break up. These are just some of the things you may include in your agreement. If you’re interested, we’re here to help and tell you more about it.

Remember, for a cohabitation agreement to be legally binding, you’ll need an attorney who can ensure everything is filled out and notarized properly. If the cohabitation agreement doesn’t meet certain legal standards, it may not be considered valid in the eyes of the law. Our firm has extensive experience drafting these agreements and can ensure that yours is valid and enforceable. If you have any additional questions or you’d like to get started drafting such an agreement, simply pick up the phone and give us a call today.

Contact our experienced Los Angeles firm

For the qualified, dedicated legal representation you and your family deserve and need through any family law or divorce matter, contact Zitser Family Law Group, APC today.

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