As a high-profile individual, you may find that many aspects of your life are in the public eye, from where you go to what you do. However, if you and your spouse are going through a divorce, there are many considerations you must make, given the publicity of your relationship. Additionally, many high-profile individuals often have significant assets and funds to consider. If this reflects your circumstances, you’ll want to keep reading to learn what you should consider during a high-profile divorce and how Los Angeles high net worth divorce attorneys can help you through these complex matters.
How Is a High-Profile Divorce Different?
One of the most important considerations during your divorce is identifying and distributing assets. In many instances, as high-profile individuals, you and your spouse likely own several high-value assets, and determining whether they are joint or separate property can be very challenging. Additionally, you may find that any intellectual property you or your spouse own can be valued and distributed. If you cannot agree on how to distribute these assets if you do not have a prenuptial agreement, the judge assigned to your case will distribute them according to California’s community property laws. As such, you and your spouse will receive an even 50/50 split of assets.
Unfortunately, given the nature of your status in the public eye, you may find that this can garner attention. Many high-profile individuals going through a divorce may be displeased with how public the dissolution of your marriage is. However, working with an experienced attorney can help you minimize the amount of information in the public. Similarly, avoiding social media and retaining from speaking publically about these matters can help you maintain privacy surrounding this emotional matter.
Finally, one of the most considerable differences between a high-profile divorce and others revolves around the time this can take. Unfortunately, you may find that high-profile divorces can take considerably longer, given the scheduling conflicts that can arise between you and your spouse.
What Should I Do if I Need Assistance During this Process?
As you can see, there are several considerations you must make when getting divorced as a high-net-worth individual. It’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney to discuss your legal options. Trying to navigate this matter on your own without the assistance of an attorney while handling all of your other responsibilities can have negative impacts on the outcome of your divorce. That’s why you should connect with an experienced lawyer during these challenging times.
At the Zitser Family Law Group, our dedicated legal team can help you navigate these complex matters. We have the necessary experience handling high-net-worth divorces and ensuring the privacy of our clients. We will do everything in our power to make this process as simple as possible for you. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you.