How Long Does a Divorce in California Take?

If you’re married but are looking to get divorced, you likely want to process to resolve as quickly as possible so you can move on with your life and begin the next chapter. That said, the duration of every divorce is different, and each divorce is influenced by a wide range of factors. Please continue reading and contact a dedicated Los Angeles divorce attorney from the Zitser Family Law Group, APC to learn more about how long a divorce can take here in the state of California.

How long can a divorce in California take to resolve?

Of course, our goal is to move your divorce along as efficiently as possible. However, there are various factors that can potentially prolong your divorce. To start, there are two types of divorces: contested divorces and uncontested divorces. An uncontested divorce is when both spouses can agree on all divorce-related terms, such as property distribution, spousal support, child custody, and more. Contested divorces, on the other hand, are when spouses cannot agree on these terms. When this happens, courts will have to litigate the divorce to its resolution, which, perhaps unsurprisingly, can take far longer than just signing an agreement and making the divorce official. That said, there is a range of other factors that can influence the duration of a divorce in California, including the following:

  • Residency requirements: If you and your spouse haven’t lived in California for a certain period of time, you may need to wait before you can file for a divorce.
  • Uncooperative spouses: If your ex displays narcissistic tendencies, for example, he or she may try to drag the divorce out for as long as possible to still retain some level of control over the situation.
  • Fault-based divorce: Most spouses file “no-fault” divorces, wherein they don’t specifically blame the other spouse for the dissolution of their marriage, but there is the option to file a fault-based divorce as well. That said, when a spouse blames the divorce on the other spouse, that spouse will have a chance to deny the allegations made against them, which can lengthen the duration of the divorce.
  • Prenuptial or postnuptial agreements: If you have either of these agreements in place, it should substantially reduce the duration of your divorce.
  • Mandatory waiting period: In California, all couples must wait six months before their divorce is finalized by a judge.

If you’d like to get a more accurate assessment of how long your California divorce may take, please don’t hesitate to speak with our firm.

Contact our experienced Los Angeles firm

For the qualified, dedicated legal representation you and your family deserve and need through any family law or divorce matter, contact Zitser Family Law Group, APC today.

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