When Should You Sell Your House When Getting Divorced?

house for sale signs

When divorcing, there are many important considerations you must make before you can begin the next chapter of your life. Deciding what assets you want to fight for, the tax implications, and how you’ll determine custody of any shared children are all vital considerations before you can continue the process. However, you must think about when the best time to sell your house is. If you’re unsure, you’ll want to keep reading to discover the pros and cons of each time frame and how a Los Angeles divorce attorney can help you navigate this process.

Is It Better to Sell Your House Before, During, or After Your Divorce?

If you’re getting ready to begin the divorce process, you may have decided with your spouse that selling your home is the best option. However, knowing the right time can help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Generally, you should avoid selling during the divorce. Unfortunately, this is a complex time, and you’ll already have other considerations to make, so it’s best to avoid adding a home sale to your plate. It’s best to start the sale process before or after the divorce process. Similarly, many may take advantage of the fact you’re selling your home because of a divorce, meaning your property can be listed for significantly less than what it’s worth, which in turn means buyers may offer low prices.

Though it’s better to sell before or after divorcing, each does have its own pros and cons. For example, if you decide to put your home on the market before starting the divorce process you may find that it can help relieve the tension of living with a partner you no longer get along with. This can make your divorce process more amicable, as you’ll no longer be living together or fighting. However, selling before a divorce can elongate the process, meaning you can pay more in legal fees.

Selling after the divorce is a good option, as it allows you additional time to make plans about your new living arrangements. Whether you need to find an apartment or have considered moving to a new city, selling after can provide more time during the divorce to come up with new plans. Similarly, it can help avoid further conflict as one spouse is responsible for making all the decisions about selling the home. However, this can also be a drawback, as selling a home without a partner to help can be overwhelming and complex.

When you need help with your divorce, the Zitser Family Law Group can help. Our dedicated attorneys can examine all areas of your circumstances to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you through this complex time.

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