My Spouse Committed Adultery. How Will That Impact Our Divorce?

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There are few things in life that hurt as much as discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful. For many, this can quickly lead to a divorce. If your spouse had an extramarital affair and you want to end your marriage as a result, you may not even know where to begin. Luckily, the following blog explores what you must know if your spouse committed adultery and how it can impact your relationship. Keep reading to discover how Los Angeles divorce attorney can assist you through this complex legal process.

Will My Spouse’s Adultery Affect Our Divorce?

It’s important to understand that California is a “no-fault” divorce state. As such, if you and your spouse want to separate, you do not need to cite any specific reason in order to proceed.

Generally, filing for divorce based on marital misconduct, such as adultery, will not impact your divorce as the state does not recognize fault-based divorces. California will follow the community property statute when dividing marital assets, meaning each spouse is entitled to an even amount of funds.

However, in some instances, the courts will take infidelity into consideration. For example, if your spouse took funds out of a joint bank account to pay for expenses related to their infidelity, such as dates or hotel rooms, you will likely receive compensation for that when the marital assets are divided.

How Can an Attorney Assist Me During This Process?

When you want to file for a divorce in California, enlisting the assistance of an experienced attorney is essential to receiving the best possible outcome for your divorce. Unfortunately, divorces are inherently complex legal matters. However, when you have to prove marital misconduct, these issues can become even more complicated. As such, you must enlist the assistance of an experienced attorney to guide you through these issues.

An attorney can help you understand all your options when filing for divorce, including the advantages and drawbacks of each option. Your attorney can help you gather evidence showing your spouse was unfaithful and committed adultery and how they used your finances to do so. This is beneficial, especially if you are trying to recover compensation for their misuse of your marital funds and assets. Your attorney can help you obtain financial records, credit card statements, and text messages to help prove your spouse had an extramarital affair.

Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful is devastating for many. As such, the dedicated team at the Zitser Family Law Group can help handle the legal complexities of divorce so you can focus on healing. Contact us today to learn how we can guide you through these challenging and emotional times to help you transition into the next chapter of your life.

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